The internet is a vast collection of websites, pages, files and resources scattered around millions of web servers around the world. In the mid 90’s many companies tried with different levels of success to index the internet and make it possible to search for websites and pages. By the turn of the millennium one clear winner emerged and not surprisingly they have become one of the biggest companies in the world. In fact they have had such an immense impact on the world, their name has become a verb! I am of course talking about Google.
Google have become, for many, the front door to the internet. It’s a place where people come to begin their voyage of discovery. It is reputable and it can’t be fooled. It goes without saying that if you’re in business, it is very desirable to be on top of the search results for your chosen keywords and this is why SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is so important.
Google presents 2 distinct types of search results – paid & organic. Paid are essentially paid for advertisements whereby you set up a campaign on Google Adwords and pay per click of your ad. The ad looks like a genuine search result except it will have the green text ‘Ad’ to the left of the link. These results typically are at the top and bottom of the search results pages.
Organic search results are the untampered results from Google and what their algorithm has decided are the most appropriate pages to show ranked by relevance. You don’t pay anything to Google when somebody clicks on your link from an organic result.
For the purposes of this post, we’ll work on the assumption that only organic search results are in scope for this discussion. SEO doesn’t apply to adwords – whoever has the deepest pockets will be on top.
Organic results however are more reliable and can’t be corrupted by somebody with deep pockets. Even though adwords appear above organic search in most cases, organic results receive far more clicks which is very telling. This is particularly true for people below the age of 35 who are more computer savvy.
As I said before, Google can’t be fooled to pushing your site to the top of the results – but there are techniques and skills involved that Google likes to see and will look favourably on. We build all of our websites to be SEO friendly and employ proven techniques to make Google and all other search engines like what they see to promote your site.
Will we guarantee that your site will be the number one result for your chosen keywords? Absolutely not – nor should we or anybody else. There are too many variables and ultimately that decision belongs with the search engine itself. We can however guarantee that your site will be built to the highest standards, will be SEO friendly, will have had its sitemap submitted to Google and have undergone a rigorous quality control phase before implementation.
Another important thing to remember is that SEO is not a static thing and in some cases will need continuous work to stay on top. We don’t offer these ongoing services but have partnered with SEO specialist agencies in the past with great results. We can put you in touch with some of these agencies.