Hedging.ie is a hedging and trees company based in Carnew Co. Wicklow. They’ve been in business for years running their online shop on WooCommerce.
For various reasons such as site performance, usability & design amongst others, they decided to upgrade their site during the summer of 2022. This was a significant undertaking as the old site was quite large and they had invested a lot of money on search engine optimiastion (SEO) over the years.
We built a brand new WordPress / WooCommerce online store from the ground up for them. The old site was quite bloated with outdated and unnecessary plugins so we rationalised all of this. We brought across all customers, orders, products & images to the new site meaning that customer accounts and preferences were kept. We also carried out a lot of work on site performance and increased page speed loading times significantly. A challenging but rewarding project and delighted to have successfully launched in the last month.
See the result here.